“Food for Thought” at The Principal: Are Men Screwed?

Roundtable at The Principal

With more and more women crashing the proverbial glass ceiling, what’s a man to do to get a little respect? This was the starting point to a debate CatchOn hosted at the Michelin-star restaurant, The Principal. To coincide with “International Women’s Day”, CatchOn invited a diverse cross section of thought leaders to consider the question: Are Men Screwed? No doubt it was a loaded topic and one that made for a very spirited and candid exchange facilitated by Rex Aguado, chief editor of SCMP’s Classified Post. During the discussion, attendees weighed in on the push to have more women in leadership roles, gender stereotypes, and the implications on men and women as they navigate the changing workplace and domestic landscape.

My key takeaways (and there were many!) are:

While women are being encouraged to “lean in” in the workplace (a reference to Sheryl Sandberg’s recently launched – and much-critiqued—manifesto), men should also be empowered to “step away” from expectations of always being the alpha figure. More and more women are earning more than their partners and men are comfortably opting for roles as “house-bands.” And that’s okay! (Just ask the men’s cooking club…)

The debate is not about women “having it all” according to the dictates of society, cultural norms and media. It should be about women being able to have all that they need, defining a way of life and work according to the terms they set for themselves.   So I may be a powerhouse at work, but I don’t have to be a domestic goddess as well.

And are men screwed? Certainly not. But why don’t you weigh in on this topic, which certainly provided a lot of food for thought.

Cool Conferences

Conferences that Inspire, Inform and Incite

OK, so you missed TED this year. Take heart. Here are our picks of upcoming cool conferences coming up, where the CatchOn team goes mining for the hottest ideas and thought leaders shaping our future.

IntelligenceSquared Debates
The global forum for live debate now in London, Hong Kong, New York and Sydney. 

  • “It’s Time To Clip America’s Global Wings” – April 5, New York City
  • “Western Parents Don’t Know How To Bring Up Their Children” Debate – June 8, London  (Arguing for the motion is Tiger mom Amy Chua. Expect this to get heated.)
  • “Art Must Be Beautiful” – May 27, Hong Kong


Salone Internationazionale Del Mobile – April 12-22, Milan
Grand diva of furniture & interior design fairs

Maison & Objet – Sept 9-13, Paris
The world of home fashion, exhibition of the coolest lighting fixtures, furniture designs and accessories

Singularity Summit – New York City, date yet to be announced
Now that super computer Watson has won the Jeopardy challenge, find out how machines will continue to outsmart man in this an annual conference focused on the converging technologies such as robotics, nanotechnology, brain-computer interfaces, and artificial intelligence.

La Ciudad de Las Ideas – November 11-13, Puebla, Mexico
Billed as Mexico’s answer to TED.  Past speakers include Sheena Iyengar, Malcolm Gladwell, Chris Anderson

Web 2.0 Summit – San Francisco, date yet to be announced
Once a year, the Gods of the Tech Universe debate and determine business strategies and the future.